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Belly Dance Accessories

Leading Afghan Belly dance,肚皮舞,Boho,Indie,Hippie girls and chic 傳統肚皮舞珠寶飾品 jewelry belly dance belts and accessories supplier on retail and whole sale

basically  Belly dance joyería de traje de la danza del vientre or bellydance is a west-coined name for a "traditional and middle eastern and afghan iranian tajik turkman dance, especially raqs sharqi (Arabic: رقص شرقي‎). It is sometimes also called Middle Eastern dance orArabic  dance in the West.

The term "belly dance" is a translation of the French "danse du ventre" which was applied to the dance in the Victorian era. It is something of a misnomer as every part of the body is involved in the dance; the most featured body part is usually the hips. Belly dance takes many different forms depending on the country and region, both in costume and dance style, and new styles have evolved in the West as its popularity has spread globally. Although contemporary forms of the dance have generally been performed by women, some of the dances, particularly the cane dance, have origins in male forms of performance.